Board Nominations
WTS Orange County is seeking qualified candidates for the 2024-2025 Board.
On behalf of the Nominations Committee, we strongly encourage any and all qualified members to consider volunteering to serve WTS Orange County in this very rewarding capacity. If you know a WTS Orange County member who you feel would be a valuable asset to the Board, please nominate them! Self-nominations are also welcomed.
To be considered for a 2024-2025 Executive Board or Committee Chair position, you must:
Be a member in good standing of WTS Orange County
Be able to dedicate the time each month to the role for which you are nominated
Attend monthly board meetings (typically the 4th Friday of the month; 8:30AM to 10:30AM)
Be willing to serve in your elected capacity for the full two-year term
Uphold the bylaws, mission and policies of WTS
Fill out the nomination form
The nominations will be compiled and reviewed, and a slate will be developed by the Nominations Committee for voting by the Chapter Membership. Please contact Melissa Dugan at (949) 315-1023 or mdugan@cityofirvine.org if you have any questions. Your nomination should be e-mailed to mdugan@cityofirvine.org
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, October 6, 2023 at 4PM PST.
1st Vice President of Programs
Hospitality Chair
Annual Gala Chair
Communications Chair
Corporate Partners Chair
Nominations Chair
Appointments Chair
Transportation YOU Chair