Girls Engineering Day 2025

2024 Girls' Engineering Day Recap
The 2024 9th Annual Girls’ Engineering Day (GED) was hosted by Women’s Transportation Seminar’s Orange County (WTS-OC) Chapter, in partnership with Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) at Dale Junior High School on February 24, 2024.
After the welcome remarks from Rafael Santiago (Principal of Dale Junior High) and Karen Chapman (President of WTS-OC), the students began their day with an icebreaker team-building structural activity using shapes created from flashcards. By mixing the students from different schools to form teams, they learned how to engage with one another to problem solve as a team.
Following the icebreaker, the students rotated throughout their technical sessions to engage in hands-on activities. Volunteers mentored the students through instruction, presentation, activity support, and answering questions, highlighting the importance of all aspects of STEM.
The mission of the WTS Transportation YOU Program is to develop the next generation of the transportation industry by growing the involvement and interest of girls and young women in STEM studies and more. “We appreciate the long time partnership with AUHSD to continue this great learning opportunities for our students,” said WTS-OC Transportation YOU Chair and Principal at Fehr & Peers, Anna Luo. “I am proud of our amazing GED Committee members and volunteers for their devotion and contribution to this program, and when we read the feedback from the student surveys, it is very rewarding!”
Photos from WTS-OC's 2024 GED are below.